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Sermon preached by the Rt Rev Dr Gregor Duncan, Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway, at St Oswald’s Maybole on the feast of Saint Oswald, Sunday 5 August 2018. St John 15.4: ‘Jesus said “Abide in me as I abide in you…”‘ Those the Church calls saints are supremely those who,… read more >>

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As this magazine is published we will be celebrating our Patronal Festival, the feast of St Oswald, with our Bishop, Gregor. We all know the life of St Oswald as we hear it many times. St Oswald fled to Scotland after his father was killed and the kingdom fell into… read more >>

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We will be joined by an organist during the summer who will accompany four of our Sunday services. Kieran Hunter is studying to be a secondary music teacher at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and sings in the choir at St Mary’s Cathedral in Glasgow. Kieran will be joining us… read more >>

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The annual ecumenical service for Maybole community with the blessing of the town’s Gala King and Queen took place on Sunday 3rd June at the Collegiate Church (the Auld College Church) on Abbot Street. This was a change of venue, with the service usually taking place at Crossraguel Abbey, but… read more >>

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‘But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.’ — JOHN 14.26-27 Having celebrated the resurrection and ascension of Jesus,… read more >>

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The Fourth Sunday of Easter is often known as ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’ because the gospel reading for the day is taken from John 10, which explores the image of Jesus as the good shepherd. At St Oswald’s and at many other churches this is also ‘Vocations Sunday’ which offers us… read more >>

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Our Holy Week and Easter journey began on Palm Sunday with our Sunday Service, followed by the Maundy Thursday Supper, Good Friday Stations of the Cross and Easter Day services.

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Easter is the greatest feast of the Christian year, when we celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He has shown us how deeply He loves us in His passion and crucifixion, at His resurrection He gifts us eternal life and leads us to God our creator. Christ only… read more >>

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During the Sunday service on 4th March 2018, St Oswald’s lay leaders were presented with their certificates from the Bishop authorising them in their ministries. These roles are Worship Leaders, Eucharistic Assistants and Pastoral Assistants, who work alongside our priest in leading worship and caring for the people of the… read more >>

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In February 2018, St Oswald’s became a member of Eco-Congregation Scotland, an ecumenical movement of Scottish church congregations, committed to addressing environmental issues through their life and mission. This is our way of acknowledging our commitment to caring for creation, making the link between environmental issues and our Christian faith,… read more >>