St Oswald’s is an outward-looking church which cares deeply for the local community and the whole world. We pray together for the world each time we gather together and remember those in need.
We are registered with Eco-Congregation Scotland as a sign of our commitment to caring for the environment, and the link between our Christian faith and environmental issues.
We also support many charities by raising funds, raising awareness or simply hard work from our members.
Here is some of our regular work:
South Ayrshire Foodbank (Trussell Trust)
There is a box at the back of the church for donations to the foodbank.
Find out more at the South Ayrshire Foodbank website.
Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal
Each year members of St Oswald’s fill shoeboxes to be distributed to places of need at Christmas. In 2020, St Oswald’s prepared 33 boxes.
Find out more at the Blythswood Care website.

Shoeboxes at the altar
Save the Children
Most years in November, St Oswald’s Church and members of the local Save the Children group share a week in the Maybole Charity shop. In 2019, over £1600 was raised and split evenly between St Oswald’s and Save the Children.
Aberlour – Scotland’s Children’s Charity
St Oswald’s donates to Aberlour Child Care Trust every year and in 2020 we donated over £200 from collections held during our Christmas services. Find out more at the Aberlour website.