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Harvest Festival was once one of the key celebrations in the Church’s year, a time to give thanks to God for a successful harvest and a time of bounty and celebration. We live in a time when we are less aware of our dependence on nature and the earth. A… read more >>

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We are taking part in Doors Open Days 2019 #dodscot30 St Oswald’s Church, Cargill Road, Maybole, KA19 8AF Saturday 7 September, 10am – 4pm Sunday 8 September, 12.30 – 4pm (Sunday Service at 11.15am) The congregation was established in 1847 to serve English and Irish weavers who worked in the… read more >>

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As the deer pants for water, so my soul longs for you, oh God. – Psalm 42 I’m sure we’ve all been in situations where a glass of cold water becomes the most important thought in our mind. A long hot summers day, after a run or workout, or after… read more >>

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We are drawing to the end of the season of Easter, having just celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. Shortly we will celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Christ’s gift to us of a guide and advocate to be with us and support us through our journey… read more >>

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Sermon preached by the Rev Canon Gordon Fyfe for the Feast of the Ascension St Oswald’s Church, Thursday 30th May 2019 If you were to ask the average person in the street what day it is today, they might, if they answered you at all, simply say ‘Thursday’; and they’d… read more >>

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Here is the sermon preached by Peter Woodifield at St Oswald’s on Sunday 19 May 2019 on the topic of vocation. Peter is training for ordained ministry in the Scottish Episcopal Church. Thank you for inviting me here today. Just to tell you a little about myself I am a… read more >>

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The earthshaking promise of Easter is that God has not forsaken any of us. The Risen Christ will meet us along the confused, chaotic, fearful paths of our lives and speak the same words the women hear at the tomb, “Do not be afraid.”’ – James A. Harnish, ‘Easter Earthquake’… read more >>

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Palm Sunday – 14 April Service of Holy Communion, 11.15am A traditional Palm Sunday Service with Palm Crosses and procession. Maundy Thursday – 18 April Agapé Supper, Church Hall, 7pm Gathering in remembrance of the Last Supper with a meal and the sharing of bread and wine. Vigil, 9pm –… read more >>

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Encountered: Meeting God in ordinary places A course by Claire Benton-Evans This Lent course explores the ordinary places of the Easter story in which the extraordinary events of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection occurred: at home, on the road, in the wilderness, by the sea and in the city. The… read more >>